Network Access Control
Symantec Network Access Control is a complete, end-to-end network access control solution that enables organizations to efficiently and securely control access to corporate networks through integration with existing network infrastructures. Regardless of how endpoints connect to the network, Symantec Network Access Control discovers and evaluates endpoint compliance status, provisions the appropriate network access, provides remediation capabilities, if needed, and continually monitors endpoints for changes in compliance status.
The result is a network environment where corporations can realize significant reductions in security incidents and increased levels of compliance with corporate IT security policy. Symantec Network Access Control makes deploying and managing network access control an achievable and cost-effective goal.
Organizations deploying Symantec Network Access Control experience multiple measurable benefits. These include:

- Reduced propagation of malicious code such as viruses, worms, spyware, and other forms of crime ware
- Lowered risk profile through increased control of unmanaged and managed endpoints accessing the corporate network
- Greater network availability and reduced disruption of services for end users
- Verifiable organizational compliance information through real-time endpoint compliance data
- Minimized total cost of ownership as a result of an enterprise-class, centralized management architecture
- Verification that endpoint security investments such as antivirus and client firewalls are properly enabled
- Seamless integration with Symantec™ Endpoint Protection